Nationally Recognised Training
Course Details
This pathways qualification provides the foundation skills and knowledge to use basic applied digital technologies in varied contexts. The qualification is designed for those developing the necessary digital and technology skills in preparation for work. These individuals carry out a range of basic procedural and operational tasks that require digital and technology skills. They perform a range of mainly routine tasks using limited practical skills and knowledge in a defined context.
Please ensure you download and read the Learners Guide as it contains important information about the course.
Units of Competency
Consistent with the qualification packaging rules, the units listed below will be delivered for this qualification:
BSBOPS101 Use business resources
BSBPEF101 Plan and prepare for work readiness
BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
BSBTEC101 Operate digital devices
BSBTEC202 Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment
BSBTWK201 Work effectively with others
BSBWHS211 Contribute to the health and safety of self and others
ICTICT213 Use computer operating systems and hardware
ICTICT214 Operate application software packages
ICTICT215 Operate digital media technology packages
ICTICT216 Design and create basic organisational documents
ICTICT221 Identify and use specific industry standard technologies