Nationally Accredited Course

Course Details

This course aims to develop a skill set in reading, writing and oral communication and develop the ability to prioritise and set goals for young people to participate in the community and develop future learning (and potentially employment) pathways. It also aims to develop basic digital literacy skills and engaging with customers.

Units of Competency

Consistent with the qualification packaging rules, the units listed below will be delivered for this qualification:

BSBOPS203 Deliver a service to customers
BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace
BSBTEC201 Use business software applications
FSKLRG007 Use strategies to identify job opportunities
NAT11110001 Interpret and comprehend text documents
NAT11110002 Apply written communication skills
NAT11110003 Design personal goals and negotiate learning pathways
NAT11110004 Participate in oral communication
NAT11110005 Apply planning and organisational skills to achieve short and medium term goals